Coleman's Tavern (Bars & Pubs) in Sarasota
Full information about Coleman's Tavern in Sarasota: address, opening hours, phone, fax, email, website. Coleman's Tavern on the map, description and reviews.
Contact details of Coleman's Tavern:
5305 Fruitville Rd, Sarasota, Florida (FL), 34232
EditColeman's Tavern opening hours:
Sunday: 2:00AM to 12:00PM
Monday: 2:00AM to 11:00AM
Tuesday: 2:00AM to 11:00AM
Wednesday: 2:00AM to 11:00AM
Thursday: 2:00AM to 11:00AM
Friday: 2:00AM to 11:00AM
Saturday: 2:00AM to 11:00AM
EditReviews about Coleman's Tavern:
About Coleman's Tavern:
Sports Bar in Sarasota, FL
EditBars & Pubs nearest to Coleman's Tavern:
Cock & Bull Pub Sarasota, Bars & Pubs; 975 Cattlemen Rd, Sarasota, FL, 34232-2809; (941) 341-9785
Oasis Pub Sarasota, Bars & Pubs; 5305 Fruitville Rd, Sarasota, FL, 34232-6402; (941) 379-2703